IOCE Boot Camp 48 hrs non-stop.

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April 26 2022

KICK OFF CLAUSURA 1) Silvia Salinas – IOCE President 2) Board Representativie 3) Co-host/Co-hostess by language 4) BC Coordinator 1 HOUR 10:00
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Nigerian Association of Evaluators (NAE) 45 MIN 11:00
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Monitoring and Evaluation Society of Liberia (MESoL) 45 MIN 11:45
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION International Society for Evaluation Education 45 MIN 12:30
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Caribbean Evaluators International (JAVOPE) 45 MIN 13:15
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Cameroon Development Evaluation Association (CaDEA) 45 MIN 14:00
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Réseau National des Evaluateurs en République Démocratique du Congo, (RENECO) 45 MIN 14:45
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Association Congolaise de l’Evaluation 45 MIN 15:30
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Red de Seguimiento, Evaluación y Sistematización de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (ReLAC) 45 MIN 16:15
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Red de Evaluación Venezuela (VENEVAL) 45 MIN 17:00
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Red Paraguay de Evaluación (REPAE) 45 MIN 17:45
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Red de Monitoreo y Evaluación de Bolivia (REDMEBOL) 45 MIN 18:30
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Red Hondureña de Profesionales en Planificación, Evaluación, Seguimiento y Sistematización (REDHPRESS) 45 MIN 19:15
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Red Peruana de Evaluación (EvalPerú) 45 MIN 19:00
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Academia Nacional de Evaluadores de México (ACEVAL) 45 MIN 20:45
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Evaluación (SEEval) 45 MIN 21:30
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Red de Evaluación y Seguimiento de Costa Rica (REDEVALCR) 45 MIN 22:15
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) 45 MIN 23:00
Streaming The view of regional VOPEs: Strategic role and challenges for VOPEs. 1 HR 23:45

April 27 2022

VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Malagasy Association for Evaluation 45 MIN 00:15
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Community of Evaluators Nepal 45 MIN 01:00
Streaming The view of regional VOPEs: Strategic role and challenges for VOPEs. 1 HR 01:45
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Romanian Society of Evaluators of Programmes, Projects and Policies (RoSE) 45 MIN 03:15
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Croatian Evaluators Network 45 MIN 04:00
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) 45 MIN 04:45
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Association Marocaine de l’Evaluation 45 MIN 05:30
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Association Sénégalaise d’Evaluation (SenEval) 45 MIN 06:15
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Ivorian Initiative for Evaluation (2ieval) 45 MIN 07:00
Streaming History and Context of IOCE. 1 HR 08:30
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Réseau francophone de l’évaluation (RFE) 45 MIN 09:15
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Tanzania Evaluation Association (TanEA) 45 MIN 10:00
WELCOME. SECOND DAY. 1. WELCOME 2. RESULTS FROM 1ST DAY 3. SECOND DAY – ACTIVITIES PRESENTATION 1) Silvia Salinas – IOCE President 2) Board Representativie 3) Co-host/Co-hostess by language 4) BC Coordinator 1 HR 10:45
INAUGURAL PANEL. IOCE´s Professionalization Taskforce presentation. Panelists Sonal Zaveri IOCE´s Board member and Founder and Regional Coordinator, GENSA – Gender and Equity Network South Asia Donna Podems IOCE´s Board member and Evaluation Facilitator Director, OtherWISE Research and Evaluation Host Janett Salvador VOPE Leadership Boot Camp coordinator 1 HR 11:00
KEY NOTE LECTURE: Process evaluation Keynote Speaker Michael Bamberguer Senior Research Fellow International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) Host Emma Rotondo EvalPeru President 1 HR 12:00
KEY NOTE LECTURE: “Evaluating Outside the Box – Transforming Evaluation for the Transformational Imperative.” Keynote Speaker Scott Chaplowe Evaluator Host Alfredo Domínguez IOCE´s Board member, ReLAC´s Board member, ACEVAL´s Board member 1 HR 13:00
ROUNDTABLE: Evaluation from the Global South: initiatives to broaden our view. Panelist Dr. Anis Ben Brik Program for Social Policy & Evaluation Research (PROSPER) Panelist Rosetti Nabbumba President, AFREA Moderator Celeste Ghiano General Coordinator, ReLAC 1 HR 14:00
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Asociación Ibérica de Profesionales por la Evaluación – APROEVAL 45 MIN 15:00
INTERVIEW: Fostering the development of new generations of evaluators. interviewed Gabriela Rentería EvalYouth Global Chair interviewer Claudia Olavarría EvalYouth LAC Co-chair 1 HR 16:00
KEYNOTE LECTURE: A global approach on the importance of evaluation for the achievement of the SDGs in post-covid times. Keynote Speaker Oscar García Director Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP Host Andrea Wehrle ReLAC’s Board member 1 HR 17:00
Interview: How should the academic offer in evaluation evolve to face the challenges in times of crisis? Interviewed Linda Morra International Evaluation Academy, IEAc Interviewer Alfredo Domínguez IOCE´s Board member, ReLAC´s Board member, ACEVAL´s Board member 1 HR 18:00
ROUND TABLE: Latin-American VOPE’s Ingrid Pamela Zúñiga -Red de Evaluación de Costa Rica Karina Álvarez Torres -Red de Seguimiento, Evaluación y Sistematización de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Diana Valadez – Academia Nacional de Evaluadores de México Emma Rotondo -EvalPerú Viviana Lascano -SEEval Moderator Alfredo Domínguez Janett Salvador 1 HR 19:00
Streaming History and Context of IOCE. 1 HR 21:00
Streaming – KEY NOTE LECTURE: Process evaluation Keynote Speaker Michael Bamberguer Senior Research Fellow International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) Host Emma Rotondo EvalPeru President 1 HR 22:00
KEYNOTE LECTURE: How can we make governments demand innovative, rigorous and quality evaluations? Keynote Speaker Dr. Sekhar Bonu Director General Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Government of India Host Alfredo Domínguez IOCE´s Board member, ReLAC´s Board member, ACEVAL´s Board member 1 HR 23:00
INTERVIEW: Soft skills in the curricula of evaluation training programs for evaluators. Interviewed Mine Pabari Athari Advisory Facilitator, Evaluative and planning processes and Council of International Evaluation Academy (IEAc) Interviewer Mireya Patiño VOPE Leadership Boot Camp team and ACEVAL´s member 1 HR 00:00

April 28 2022

KEYNOTE LECTURE: Evalparlamentarians Keynote Speaker Asela Kalugampitiya President Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) Host Alfredo Domínguez IOCE´s Board member, ReLAC´s Board member, ACEVAL´s Board member 1 HR 01:00
KEY NOTE LECTURE: “Evaluating Outside the Box – Transforming Evaluation for the Transformational Imperative.” Keynote Speaker Scott Chaplowe Evaluator Host Alfredo Domínguez IOCE´s Board member, ReLAC´s Board member, ACEVAL´s Board member 1 HR 02:00
INTERVIEW: Lessons learned from the contribution of international cooperation agencies in the emergence and strengthening of evaluation systems. Interviewed: Ulla Järvelä-Seppinen Development Policy Adviser at Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland Interviewer: Bali Adriantseheno IOCE´s Board member and Coordonnateur Général du PREA Programme de Réformes pour l’Efficacité de l’Administration Présidence de la République – Madagasikara 1 HR 03:00
Streaming – KEYNOTE LECTURE: A global approach on the importance of evaluation for the achievement of the SDGs in post-covid times. Keynote Speaker Oscar García Director Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP Host Andrea Wehrle ReLAC’s Board member 1 HR 04:00
Streaming -INTERVIEW: Fostering the development of new generations of evaluators. Entrevistada Gabriela Rentería EvalYouth Global Chair Entrevistadora Claudia Olavarría EvalYouth LAC Co-chair 1 HR 05:00
Keynote: Why advocate for country-led evaluations? Keynote Speaker Ada Ocampo Independent Evaluator. Former UNICEF Officer Host Janett Salvador VOPE Leadership Boot Camp Coordiantor 1 HR 06:00
VOPE’S PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION Société Togolaise de l’Evaluation (STEVAL) 45 MIN 07:00
ROUNDTABLE: If it is a means to an end, what do means need to achieve the end? Panelist Gabriela Pérez Yarahuán Coordinator, CLEAR – LAC Panelist Weronika Felcis IOCE – Secretary and VOPE Leadership Programme coordinator Moderator Claudia Mir Cervantes VOPE Leadership Boot Camp 2 HR 08:00
VOPE Leadership Boot Camp closing Silvia Salinas IOCE President Janett Salvador VOPE Leadership boot Camp coordinator Alfredo Domínguez Claudia Mir Cervantes Mauricio Dorantes Salvator Kitim Djuma VOPE Leadership BootCamp co hosts and coach 1 HR 10:00